Milagris School – Sawantwadi

School & College Fees

Parents ought to know that the payment of fees helps the school administration, to run the school in its day-to-day functioning. Hence it is very important that parents pay their ward’s fees in the first term of the academic year.

All students should pay their fees as mentioned below.

E-Learning Fees & Educational activities Fees.
STD. V-X Rs. 1000/-
(Fees to be paid till August.)
Jr. College
Commerce – 5000/-
Science – 8000/-
Fees to be paid in
Bank of Baroda
Timing 11.00 am to 02.00 pm
NurseryJr.& Sr.Primary
June (Per Month) 400/-600/-600/-
Annual Collection 400/-600/-600/-
I Term400/-600/-600/-
II Term400/-600/-600/-

The periodic progress and the Final Exam Report will be withheld if payment of fees is pending, unless condonation has been obtained well in advance.

Concession of Fees:

It is the priority of the Principal to give concession of fees to students. The parents should approach the Principal in the beginning of the academic year along with a written application.


There are special forms to apply for free education under categories like E.B.C., P.T.C., S.T.C., Jawan and Ex-serviceman / Freedom Fighters. Eligible candidates have to fill the applicable forms in the month of June. Failing which cannot be availed of the financial assistance that comes from the government. This financial assistance is not applicable to the students who have failed the academic year. The third child cannot avail an exemption from fees.